• Telefon: +90 342 317 19 00

Biyokimya Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Anabilim Dalında yürütülen Yüksek Lisans Programı, öğrencilerin biyokimya ile ilgili alanlarda uzmanlaşmaları ve bu disiplindeki becerilerini geliştirebilmelerinin yanı sıra canlı yaşamı ile ilgili fizik, kimya, biyoloji gibi fen bilimleri, sağlık bilimleri, beslenme, çevre olayları ve bunun gibi konularda bilimsel ve teknolojik alanda gerekli katkıları yapabilecek, etkili ve verimli çalışma disiplini kazanmış, girişimcilik yetenekleri ile donatılmış insan gücünün yetiştirilmesin de temel olarak hedeflemektedir. Lisansüstü programlardaki tüm dersler, yüksek lisans programını oluşturan bölümlerin öğretim üyeleri tarafından verilecektir. Eğitim planında zorunlu derslere ilave olarak öğrencinin tercihine göre uzmanlaşacağı alana uygun disiplinlerarası sunulan seçmeli dersler bulunmaktadır.




  • Biyokimya Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Yüksek Lisans Programı öğrenciye biyokimya ve biyokimya ile yakın ilişkili Kimya, Biyoloji, Fizik ve diğer yaşam bilimleri dallarında teorik bilgilerin verilmesini,
  • Laboratuvar çalışmaları konusunda teknik becerilerin kazandırılmasını,
  • Bilgiye ulaşabilme, araştırma yapabilme, deney planlayabilme, problem çözebilme, deney sonuçlarını yorumlayabilme, sunum yapabilme yeteneğinin kazandırılmasını,
  • Biyokimya ile ilgili konularda strateji geliştirebilme ve elde edilen sonuçları kalite yönetimi çerçevesinde değerlendirebilme yetkinliklerinin ve bilimsel etiğin kazandırılmasını hedeflemekte,
  • En önemlisi, biyokimya ile ilişkili sektörlere kaliteli eleman yetiştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır.





Gaziantep Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyokimya Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Yüksek Lisans Programı’nın amacı her gün hızla değişerek ve yenilenerek ilerleyen Bilim ve Teknoloji çağına ayak uydurmak için güçlü bir ekip çalışması ruhu ile düşünme, sorgulama, fikir üretme, araştırma ve üretime katkı yapabilecek kendi alanında deneyimli ve nitelikli araştırmacıların yetişmesini sağlamaktadır.


İş olanakları ve çeşitli bölgelerden tercih edilirlik açısından üstün olan araştırmacı yetiştirmeyi amaçlayan bu Yüksek Lisans Eğitimi Programını tamamlayan bir öğrenci, üniversiteler ile araştırma merkezleri gibi tüzel ve özel kuruluşlarda araştırmacı olarak görev yapabileceği gibi hastalıkların tanı ve tedavi merkezleri gibi tıp fakülteleri ve sağlık sektörünün birçok laboratuarlarında deneyimli elemanlar olarak çalışabileceklerdir.


Genel olarak mezunlarımız; gıda, ilaç, tıbbi ve kimyasal maddeler, tarım ilaçları, kozmetik ve deterjan sanayileri, fermantasyon teknolojisine dayalı sanayi kollarında, hastanelerde, üniversite, tıbbi, tarımsal ve çevre araştırma merkezlerinin rutin işlemler ve araştırma laboratuarlarında görev alabilirler. Bölüm mezunları belirtilen iş alanlarında; üretim proseslerinde veya prosesin gerektirdiği rutin kalite-kontrol analizleri, sağlıkla ilgili testler, yeni yöntem geliştirme çalışmaları ve bunların uygulanması aşamasında uzman araştırmacı olarak çalışırlar. Biyokimya’nın farklı dallar arasındaki bağlantıyı kurması nedeni ile iş alanlarının çeşitliliği ve yaygınlığı giderek artmaktadır. Ayrıca Biyokimya alanında akademik çalışmalar ve eğitim sürecine katılma imkânı mevcuttur.



Prof.Dr. ​Canan CAN


Prof.Dr. ​Abuzer ÇELEKLİ

Prof.Dr. ​Hüseyin BOZKURT

Prof.Dr. ​Hüseyin ZENGİN

Doç.Dr. Gülay ZENGİN

Doç.Dr. Tuğba Taşkın TOK

Doç.Dr. Mehmet KAHRAMAN

Doç.Dr. ​Coşkun DALGIÇ

Doç. Dr. Songül KESEN

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Abdulaziz KAYA

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Serap Sür ÇELİK

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Türkan GÜRER

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Fatih BALCI

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Ahmet DEVECİ

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Gökhan NUR

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Demet DOĞAN

Dr.Öğr.Üyesi Remziye Aysun KEPEKCİ

Dersler ve İçerikleri

BCST 501 Advanced Biochemistry I (3-0 credits)

Introduction to modern biochemistry. Structure, chemical properties, and function of proteins and enzymes, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Basic enzyme kinetics and catalytic mechanisms.

BCST 502 Biochemistry II (3-0 credits)

Metabolic pathways and metabolic regulation, energy transduction in biological systems, enzyme catalytic mechanisms.

BCST 503 Biochemistry of Physiology (3-0 credits)

A study of protein structure, enzyme catalysis, metabolism, and metabolic regulation with respect to their relationship to physiology.

BCST 504 Biochemistry Laboratory (3-0 credits)

Biochemical and genetic methods for studying protein function. Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular cloning, protein purification, enzyme activity assays, computer modeling of protein structure.

BCST 505 Biochemistry III (3-0 credits)

An advanced course in biochemistry. Biochemical approach to cellular information processing. DNA and RNA structure. DNA replication, transcription, and repair. Translation of mRNA tomake proteins.

BCST 506 Chemistry of Biological Catalysis (3-0 credits)

Biological catalysts and their components will be described through the principles of organic chemistry. Course material will be organized from the perspective of mechanism rather than metabolism or control. Examples from each major class of enzymes and reaction type will be presented. Additional topics may include molecular recognition, substrate activation and enzyme inhibition.

BCST 507 Methods for Protein Structure Determination (3-0 credits)

This graduate level course is designed as an introduction to modern methods for biomolecular structure determination at the atomic level resolution. The course covers the theory and basic principles underlying of the two major high-resolution experimental methods: X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).

BCST 508 Practical Approaches to Enzymology (3-0 credits)

Prerequisite: undergraduate level biochemistry, organic chemistry and biophysical chemistry. The course provides the student with the necessary knowledge on enzyme kinetics, on methodologies and their applications to determine the mechanism and kinetics of enzyme catalyzed reactions.

BCST 509 Protein Chemistry and Enzymic Catalysis (3-0 credits)

Prerequisite: BCHM416 or equivalent. 
Principles of protein structure, folding, and function, experimental characterization of structure, active sites, enzyme mechanisms and kinetics.

BCST 510 Regulation of Metabolism (3-0 credits)

Prerequisite: BCHM674 or equivalent and BCHM 671 or equivalent. Selected topics in the signal transduction and the control of biological function. Topics have included transcriptional regulation by nuclear hormone receptors, bacterial chemotaxis, insulin signaling, and diabetes, G proteins and G-protein coupled receptors, and the identification, modeling, and emergent properties of gene regulatory networks. 

BCST 511 Electroanalytical Chemistry  (3-0 credits)

Electrochemistry forms the basis for powerful and specific chemical sensing systems. The relative ability of specific molecules to accept or lose an electron through an electrochemical circuit allows for the identification of those species and their concentration. This and other related methods can help to understand neurochemistry, biology, corrosion, fundamental chemistry, and environmental pollutants. Theoretical and practical considerations for modern electroanalytical chemistry, including voltammetry, potentiometry, and microelectrode analysis.

BCST 512 Bioanalytical Chemistry (3-0 credits)

A variety of analytical techniques are having major impact in helping to understand biological systems. Proteomics, genomics, neurochemistry, early cancer detection, etc. all depend upon state-of-the-art analytical chemical analysis. This course explores all relevant techniques including separations, mass spectrometry, DNA & RNA arrays, among others.

BCST 513 Advanced Organic Chemistry I (3-0 credits)

Chemical bonding including valence bond and molecular orbital theories, applications of approximate molecular orbital theories. Stereochemistry of organic compounds, symmetry point groups, conformational and configurational stereoisomers and NMR methods based on diastereotopicity. Molecular mechanics, MM2 and semiempirical molecular orbital methods. Aromaticity and the PMO method, alternate and non alternate hydrocarbons. Pericyclic reactions, allowed and forbidden reactions, aromatic transition state and frontier molecular orbital theories and correlation diagrams.

BCST 514 Advanced Organic Chemistry II (3-0 credits)

Organic mechanisms, thermodynamic and kinetic control, isotope effects, reactive intermediates and structure/reactivity relationships. Nucleophilic substitutions, carbocations and nonclassical ions. Stereochemical issues in eliminations and reactions of carbenes. Nucleophilic addition to double bonds, conjugate additions. Multistep reactions, Swern oxidations and the Mitsunobu reaction. Free radical reactions, detection of intermediates, EPR, CIDNP. Electron transfer reactions, Marcus theory, charge radical species.

BCST 515 Advanced Thermodynamics (3-0 credits)

Equilibrium thermodynamics applied to materials, and more general chemical and biological systems, with an introduction to statistical thermodynamics. Chemical reactions, equations of state, phase equilibria and stability in multicomponent systems. Thermodynamics of electrolytes, aqueous solutions and electrochemistry.

BCST 516 Quantum Chemistry (3-0 credits)

Formal presentation of Quantum Mechanics using both the Schrodinger wave equation and Heisenberg matrix formulations. Vibrational and rotational states of polyatomic molecules, angular momentum theory, and raising and lowering operators. Electronic structure of atoms and molecules, restricted and unrestricted Hartree-Fock theory, electron correlation methods and molecular orbital theory. Introduction to group theory. Quantum mechanical selection rules in spectroscopy.

BCST 517 Molecular Spectroscopy and Group Theory (3-0 credits)

Applications of quantum mechanics to the general problem of the interaction of light with molecular systems. Angular momentum theory developed from a group theoretical basis and applied to the eigenvalue problem for molecules. Symmetry classifications of the vibrational and electronic states of polyatomic molecules in both a molecular symmetry group and the more conventional point group schemes. Overview of the formalism and experimental techniques in different resonant-based spectroscopies.

BCST 518 Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics (3-0 credits)

This course addresses time dependent processes in Chemistry and Physical Chemistry at the graduate level. Typical topics will be kinetics of chemical reactions, resonance processes, charge and particle diffusion in ordered and disordered materials, and the wide body of relaxation and transport processes (i.e., the time-dependent recovery of systems to equilibrium). Time-correlation function formalism and the fluctuation dissipation theorem. Relaxation phenomena and light scattering. Both the theoretical and the experimental aspects of these phenomena will be covered, including how the dynamics depend on temperature and material properties.

BCST 519 Advanced Topics in Physical Chemistry (3-0 credits)

Various advanced and special topics in physical chemistry. Previous topics have included: supercooled liquids and the glass transition, vibrational spectroscopy of solids, and phase transitions and critical phenomena.

BCST 520 Crystal Structure Analysis (3-0 credits)

Methods of determining crystal structures with emphasis on practical aspects of single-crystal and powder diffraction methods using X-rays, electrons and neutrons. Strategies for crystal growth, sample preparation and mounting, data collection, and methods for structure refinement from diffraction data.

BCST 521 Advanced Topics in Biochemistry (3-0 credits)

Topics selected from emerging areas of biochemistry based primarily on current literature. Subject areas may include: genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics, protein-DNA interactions, molecular basis of diseases and aging, in vivo protein folding and misfolding, cellular trafficking and protein transport, structure and function of membrane proteins.

BCST 522 Biophysical Chemistry 

Structure, thermodynamics and folding of proteins and nucleic acids. Principles of biophysical methods used to study biological macromolecules. Selected topics may include: Structural classification of proteins, non-covalent interactions, thermodynamic parameters, protein stability, dominant forces in protein folding, structural principles of DNA, RNA folds and ribozymes, macromolecular crowding. Selected methods may include macromolecular x-ray crystallography, hydrogen exchange experiments, calorimetry, single molecule fluorescence, atomic force microscopy, and cryo-electron microscopy.

BCST 523 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 1 (3-0 credits)

Inorganic chemistry based on principles of bonding, structure, reaction mechanisms, and modern synthetic methods. Chemistry and general properties of representative and transition elements and their compounds.

BCST 524 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 2 (3-0 credits)

Lectures in physical inorganic chemistry with an emphasis on topics for understanding modern solar energy conversion to electricity and fuels. Includes a description of bonding and properties of coordination compounds in terms of the ligand field and molecular orbital theories. The primary research literature will be used to motivate exploration of relevant themes including spectroscopy, electron transfer, energy transfer, bioenergetic conversion, and small-molecule activation.

BCST 525 Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography (3-0 credits)

Mass spectrometry, including instrumentation, ionization techniques, and interpretation of mass spectra. Theory and practice of analytical separation processes including ion mobility, capillary electrophoresis, and liquid gas chromatography. Introduction to applications in e.g. atmospheric and biological mass spectrometry. Introduction to computer simulation of instrumentation and physical processes. 

BCST 526 Advanced Physical Organic Chemistry (3-0 credits)

Modern concepts of physical organic chemistry and their use in interpreting data in terms of mechanisms of organic reactions and reactivities of organic compounds.

BCTS 527 Chemical Applications of NMR Spectroscopy (3-0) credits

 Experimental aspects of modern NMR spectroscopy to include one pulse experiments, multiple pulse experiments and two-dimensional NMR and NMR applications in organic chemistry.

BCST-528 Project Design (3-0) credits

The topics about administration and design of project will be explained as theoretical and practical. Understanding the stages of administration and design of project.

BCST-529 Toxicology (3-0) credits

Biochemical toxicology, metabolism of toxicants, physiological factors affecting xenobiotic metabolism, adaptation, reactive metabolites and toxicity, cell ınjury and cellular protection mechanisms, toxicant receptor ınteractions, carcinogenesis, target organ toxicity, biochemical toxicology of the central nervous system, hepatotoxicity, reproductive and developmental toxicity.

BCST-530 Biomedical Models in Experimental Animals (3-0) credits

Experiment Systematic, biochemical, morphological features in animal selection. Injection, gavage and cannulation, taking blood, taking material from experimental animals. Biochemical studies in experimental animals and disease models in experimental animals.

BCST-531 Membrane Biology and Transport (3-0) credits

The composition of membranes: proteins and lipids, liquid mosaic model, freeze-fracture technique, types of membrane proteins, membrane dynamics, membrane function, carriers and carrier systems.

BCST-532 Oxidative Stress and Antioxidants (3-0) credits

What is oxidative stress, what are sources of oxidative stress, antioxidant defense systems.

BCST-533 Biochemistry of Free Radicals (3-0) credits

General information about radicals and radical formation. Free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), source of reactive oxygen species, the effects of free radicals on cellular components, cellular defense systems against free radicals, antioxidative defense mechanisms and its genetic control, oxidative stress, oxidative stress related diseases, researches on oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation and measurement of lipid peroxidation products, measurement of antioxidant activity.

BCST-534 Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics (3-0) credits

Bioinformatics: Analyzing DNA, RNA, and Protein sequences, functional genomics.

BCST-535 Chemical Structure and Reactivity (3-0) credits

The fundamentals and going further applications. To acquire basic knowledge about chemical structure and reactivity and to be able to apply in studies.

BCST 699 Ph.D. Research and Thesis

BCST 801-850 Graduate Seminar

BCST 901-999 Special Studies
FBE 501 Araştırma Yöntemleri ve Bilimsel Etik (2-0)2